Guide for My Image Garden (Mac)

Move the slider to adjust the level.
The entire image is enhanced to resemble a photo taken with a soft focus lens, and the
(Enhancement) mark appears on the upper left of the image.
Click (Display Comparison Screen) to display the images before and after the enhancement
side by side in a separate window so that you can compare and check the result.
Click Save Selected Image or Save All Filtered Images.
Enhanced image(s) is (are) saved as a new file(s).
To save only the image(s) you like, select it (them) and click Save Selected Image. Click Save
All Filtered Images to save all the enhanced images at one time.
The enhanced image(s) can be saved in JPEG/Exif format only.
Click Exit.
If the enhanced image(s) is (are) not saved, the enhancement(s) will be deleted.
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Special Image Filters Window