Manual for Windows

associades a l'RAEE. La vostra cooperació a l’hora de rebutjar correctament aquest producte contribuirà
a la utilització efectiva dels recursos naturals. Els usuaris tenen dret a retornar les bateries o els
acumuladors usats sense cap càrrec. El preu de venda de les bateries i els acumuladors inclou el cost de
la gestió ambiental dels residus i no es necessari mostrar l’import d’aquest cost en aquest fullet o en la
factura que es lliuri a l’usuari final. Per a més informació sobre el reciclatge d’aquest producte, contacteu
amb l’oficina municipal, les autoritats encarregades dels residus, el pla de residus homologat o el servei
de recollida d’escombraries domèstiques de la vostra localitat o visiteu, o
Environmental Information
Reducing your environmental impact while saving money
Power Consumption and Activation Time
The amount of electricity a device consumes depends on the way the device is used. This product is
designed and set in a way to allow you to reduce your electricity costs. After the last print it switches to
Ready Mode. In this mode it can print again immediately if required. If the product is not used for a time,
the device switches to its Power Save Mode. The devices consume less power (Watt) in these modes.
If you wish to set a longer Activation Time or would like to completely deactivate the Power Save Mode,
please consider that this device may then only switch to a lower energy level after a longer period of
time or not at all.
Canon does not recommend extending the Activation Times from the optimum ones set as default.
Energy Star
The Energy Star
programme is a voluntary scheme to promote the development and purchase of
energy efficient models, which help to minimise environmental impact.
Products which meet the stringent requirements of the Energy Star
programme for both environmental
benefits and the amount of energy consumption will carry the Energy Star
logo accordingly.
Paper types
This product can be used to print on both recycled and virgin paper (certified to an environmental
stewardship scheme), which complies with EN12281 or a similar quality standard. In addition it can
support printing on media down to a weight of 64g/m
, lighter paper means less resources used and a
lower environmental footprint for your printing needs.
El Código de modelo regulatorio (Regulatory Model Code - RMC) es para identificación y prueba de que
el producto cumple con las regulaciones. Tenga en cuenta que el RMC es distinto del número de modelo
de comercialización del producto.