User Guide

To edit a contact entry
With the [Address Book] dialog box displayed, follow the steps below. J“Registering or editing
a recipient in the Address Book”
1 In the [Address Book] dialog box, click the entry to edit in the Recipient list, and then
click [Properties].
2 In the [Properties] dialog box, make the desired changes, then click [OK].
Searching and removing a recipient
To search for a recipient in an Address Book
With the [Address Book] dialog box displayed, follow the steps below. J“Registering or editing
a recipient in the Address Book”
1 In [Type name or select from list], enter the name.
If a recipient exists with that name, it will appear in the Recipients List and the recipient will be
highlighted. You can search recipients by name only.
Removing a recipient from an Address Book
With the [Address Book] dialog box displayed, follow the steps below. J“Registering or editing
a recipient in the Address Book”
1 In the Recipients list, click the name, then click [Delete].
2 If prompted to confirm that you want to remove the recipient, click [Yes]. Page 118 Friday, October 17, 2003 2:01 PM