User Guide

Chapter 10 Troubleshooting 10-13
Problem Cause Solution
Multiple sheets load Paper may not be stacked Make sure paper is installed
into unit at the same correctly.
correctly in the sheet feeder.
Sheets of paper may be Be sure to fan the stack of
sticking together. paper before
placing it in the
sheet feeder.
Too much paper may be Make sure the paper rest is
stacked in the sheet feeder. extended and the paper is
correctly in the sheet feeder.
Make sure the stack of paper
does not exceed the limit mark.
If necessary, remove a few
sheets from the sheet feeder.
Do not stack more than
approximately 100 sheets of
plain paper in the sheet feeder.
Do not force the stack into the
sheet feeder.
Different types of paper may Load just one type of paper.
be stacked in the sheet feeder.
Make sure you are loading
paper that matches the
specifications of this unit.
See Appendix A,
Specifications, for details.
Transparencies or back The film may not be loaded Make sure you load no more
print film do not feed correctly. than 50 sheets of transparencies
correctly transparencies or 10 sheets
of back print film in the
sheet feeder.
Repeated paper jams The paper you are using may Fan the paper before stacking
occur be causing the jams. it in the sheet feeder. This
keeps the sheets of paper from
sticking together.
Check that the paper you are
using and your printing
environment are within the
specifications of the unit. See
Appendix A, Specifications,
for details.
MPC-3000—USERS MANUAL/V000/07-97