User Guide

10-6 Troubleshooting Chapter 10
MPC-3000—USERS MANUAL/V000/07-97
LCD Messages
The following messages are displayed in the LCD when the
MultiPASS C3000 is performing a function or encounters an error.
The Error Code appears on the Activity Report.
Information Messages
Message Error Code Cause Action
AUTO REDIAL The MultiPASS is Wait for the MultiPASS
waiting to redial the to try redialing. If that
other partys number doesnt work, wait until
because the line was the MultiPASS starts to
busy or the other dial the number, then
party did not answer press STOP to cancel
when you tried to send redialing. Try to send
the document. the document again at a
later time.
COMMUNICATING You tried to send a fax Wait until the fax is
PLEASE WAIT using Manual mode sent, or use memory
when the MultiPASS sending.
was already sending
a fax from memory.
DIALING The MultiPASS is Press STOP if you
dialing the receiving want to cancel the
fax machine. transmission.
DOCUMENT READY The document in the Send the fax, make a
Automatic Document copy, or scan the
Feeder is ready for document.
faxing, copying, or
ECM RX The MultiPASS is ECM transmissions may
receiving a fax take longer than normal
using ECM. transmissions. Turn
off ECM if you need to
receive quickly, or if you
know your local lines
are in good condition.
ECM TX The MultiPASS is ECM transmissions may
sending a fax using take longer than normal
ECM. transmissions. Turn off
ECM if you need to
transmit quickly, or if
you know your local
lines are in good
HANG UP PHONE The telephone is Place the telephone
off hook. properly into its cradle.