Operation Manual

<2-Sided Printing>
ou can make 2-sided printouts. Select the binding position.
<N on 1> (
JPEG les only)
Prints data for multiple pages of image data on the same side of a sheet of paper. You can specify the number
of pages to print on one side of a sheet of paper. For example, to print four pages on one side of a sheet of
paper, select <4 on 1>.
<Original Type>
ou can select the type of original depending on the image to print.
<Photo Priority>
Gives priority to printing photo images smoothly
<Text Priority>
Gives priority to printing text clearly.
You can select the printing method used to reproduce halftones (the intermediate range between the lighter
and darker areas of an image) for optimal image quality.
Prints images with ne gradation, such as digital camera images, with a smooth nish.
<Error Diffusion>
Prints images with small text or ne lines with a clear nish.
<Set PDF Details>
You can change the print settings for PDFs.