Operation Manual

Performs processing so that the color tone is suitable for printing bitmap images. When this item is selected, an
image is printed in the colors closest to those displayed on the monitor.
Minimizes a color variance that occurs when RGB data is converted to CMYK data.
<Vivid Photo>
Performs pr
ocessing so that the color tone is deeper and more vivid than <General>.
<Gray Compensation>
Congures a setting so that black or gray data of which color information is "R = G = B" is printed using only
the K (black) toner. If <Off> is selected, data is printed using the toner of four colors: CMYK. This option can
be specied for each image type in any one document.
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <UFR II> <Gray
Compensation> Select the type of image Select <Off> or <On>
<Paper Save>
Specify whether to disable a blank page in print data from being output.
<Menu> <Function Settings> <Printer> <Printer Settings> <UFR II> <Paper
Save> Select <Off> or <On>
Specify the PCL printing settings such as page layout and print quality.
<Paper Save>
Select whether to save paper b
y not outputting blank pages in documents. By selecting <On>, the machine
will not output blank pages. To output all your document data when printing, including any blank pages that
you have inserted in your document, select <Off>.
Setting Menu List