MB2700 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac)

Loading Based on Use
Load originals correctly for how they will be used. Originals loaded incorrectly may cause scanning
Align Originals with the alignment mark
When loading originals to copy or fax
When selecting Doc.type > Document or Photo in Scan and specifying a standard size (such as A4/
Letter) in Scan size
When using a computer to:
Scan documents, magazines, or newspapers
Specify a standard size (such as A4/Letter) to scan originals
Place the original face-DOWN on the platen glass and align it with the alignment mark ( ). The
diagonally striped area is outside the scanning area.
The striped area (A, 0.04 inch (1 mm) from the edges of the platen glass) is outside the scanning
Center One Original on the platen glass
When selecting Doc.type > Photo in Scan and specifying Scan size > Auto scan to scan one
Load the original face-DOWN at least 0.4 inch (1 cm) from the edges of the platen glass. The diagonally
striped area is outside the scanning area.