LV-7575 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications
1 Overview
This Functional Specification defines communication with LV-NI02 for LV-7575.
Supporting Farmware Ver. 1.x of the projector.
Commands in this document are to communicate with LV-NI02, but most commands are used to
control a projector remotely from a computer with RS-232C. Therefore commands in this
document are defined as Expand Serial Commands.
2 Serial Interface Specification
2.1 Transfer Specification
Item Specification
Synchronous System Asynchronous
Transmission Speed 9600 / 19200
Data Length 8 bits
Parity N/A
Stop Bit 1
Flow Control N/A
Note1) Transmission Speed: initial setting value is 19200
Note2) Transmission Speed can be changed in Service mode.
2.2 Connection
Dedicated serial cables that come with the projector must be used for the connection between a
computer and a projector.
PC Projector
COM 1 Control Port
(D-Sub 9Pin) (mini 8Pin)