
(*1) (*2) (*3)
Data Portion Contents
DATA01 same values as DATA01 of the command
DATA02 same values as DATA02 of the command
DATA03 to 06 Acquired information(!1)
Response : At the time of a failure
A3H 96H 01H xxH 02H DATA01 DATA02 CKS
(*1) (*2) (*4) (*3)
* In case of acquiring lamp counter
03H 96H 00H 00H 02H 00H 01H 9CH
Example of acquisition
DATA03 DATA04 DATA05 DATA06 : lamp counter
50H 46H 00H 00H : 18000 seconds
Lamp counter = 18000 / 3600 = 5 hour
* In case of acquiring the remaining time until lamp warning
message starts to appear (in terms of specified values)
03H 96H 00H 00H 02H 00H 08H A3H
Example of acquisition
DATA03 DATA04 DATA05 DATA06 : Remaining time
40H 7EH 05H 00H : 360000 seconds
Remaining time until lamp warning message starts to appear
= 360000/ 3600 = 100 hours
(!1) If "time" is specified for "Options for acquisition",
values in seconds will be returned.
But, the value to acquire is updated only by the minute unit.
(!2) X = 100 - ((Lamp Use Prohibited Time * 100) / Lamp Use Warning Starting Time)
Example) The case of Lamp Use Prohibited Time 2100[H],
Lamp Use Warning Starting Time 2000[H] Model.
X = 100 - ((2100 * 100) / 2000) = -5[%]
(!3) Lamp counter (in terms of Normal mode values)
This is the timer for normal lamp mode conversion.
(!4) Lamp counter
This is the lamp total usage. It is displayed in the projector's menu.