Operation Manual

Saving and Sharing Your Recordings
Before disconnecting the external hard drive
Before turning off or physically disconnecting the external hard drive, be
sure to safely end the connection to the camcorder to avoid damage to
your files. From the [External Hard Drive] screen:
•Make sure you power the camcorder with the compact power
adapter before you save a memory to the external hard drive.
If the compact power adapter gets disconnected, the con-
nection between the camcorder and the hard drive will end,
which may lead to the corruption of data in the hard drive.
About memory save folders:
- If you performed multiple memory save operations on the
same day (for example, if you saved the built-in memory
and then a memory card), the folder name of memory save
folders following the first one will end in a numerical suffix
(for example, “-1”, “-2”).
- Up to 10 memory save folders can be created for any given
date and up to 300 memory save folders can be saved on a
single hard drive.
You cannot use the following types of external hard drives.
-USB-powered portable hard drives.
- Hard drives with a capacity over 2 TB.
-USB flash drives or media connected to card readers.
[Safely Remove Hard Drive] > [Yes]