User Guide

Printing a Document
Printer Status Window
[Consumables/Counters] Menu
Select [Consumables/Counters] from the [Options] menu to display the
[Consumables/Counters] dialog box. In the [Consumables/Counters] dialog box,
icons and meanings that indicate life of toner cartridges of each color and the
number of total printed pages are displayed.
You can obtain the same result by clicking [ ] (Consumables/Counters) in the
Printer Status Window.
[Utility] Menu
The [Utility] menu performs calibration of the printer or Configuration Page Print.
Performs calibration of the printer manually. Perform calibration when the colors have
changed and the data is not printed in the correct colors (specified colors) or a color
deviation occurs. For more details, see "Calibrating the Printer," on p. 5-17.
When the front or back of the printed paper has smudge marks, the fixing roller needs to
be cleaned. Print quality deterioration can be prevented by cleaning the fixing roller. For
more details, see "Cleaning the Fixing Roller," on p. 5-22.
[Configuration Page Print]
Prints the optional settings of the printer, the settings for [Device Settings] in the [Options]
menu, and the current printer status such as the total number of printed pages. For more
details, see "Confirming the Printer Features," on p. 7-41.
[Network Status Print] (Only when the network board is installed)
Prints the version of the optional network board or the TCP/IP settings. For more details,
see "Chapter 4 Troubleshooting" in Network Guide.