
Print Out Documents as Needed
User Box
Storing scanned documents in the User Box
makes it easy to print out repeatedly as necessary.
The preview images allow quick and easy
browsing of stored documents.
Easily Save Scanned Data to a USB
USB thumb drive
The imageRUNNER ADVANCE has USB ports on its side, allowing users to save scanned
data onto USB thumb drive or to print out data
from USB thumb drive with ease.
Effective Personal
Scanning / Sending
Send to Myself and My Folder
The Scan and Send screen now provides a
simple button to digitize documents for
personal storing. Select Send to Myself to send
to a personal E-mail address or My Folder to
send to a specified folder.
would be irretrievably lost if a hard disk failure occurred
5 When printing out PDF files, PS Printer Kit-AS1 or Direct Print Kit-J1 and Additional Memory Type D (512MB) will be required.
Create a Serverless Document-Sharing Environment
Advanced Box
Advanced Box uses dedicated hard disk space on the printer for document sharing with
SMB and WebDAV protocols. It enables document sharing between the imageRUNNER
ADVANCE and computers on the same network without having to go through servers. It
also allows users to preview images of documents using the touch panel.
Advanced Box
Data sharing
A document is scanned
USB thumb drive
Variety of Document-
Sending Options
Supports multiple protocols
SMB Send function allows users to share
information within an office without using any
server. Sending with FTP/WebDAV protocols
is also supported. Documents can also be
sent by E-mail with a variety of settings in the
similar way as on computers.
Minimize Network Load
Anyplace Scan for MEAP ADVANCE
In conjunction with personal authentication, the Send to
Myself function allows storage of scan data sent by E-mail in
the Advanced Box. By E-mailing only the storage location to
users, imageRUNNER ADVANCE conserves digital infrastructure
resources by reducing E-mail server and network load.
Easily Specify Destinations
for Storing Documents
Document Navigator
Document Navigator allows users to directly specify folders
for storing scanned documents by displaying hierarchy of
folders on their own computers. Documents can be saved
with appropriate names matching their content and purpose,
eliminating the need to return to the computer to rename
documents and reorganize folders.