User Guide

1.4 Collecting Information Before Making Settings (on
the side of the iR C6800)
1) Find out the IP address given to the printer:
1. turn on the power.
2. click [Ad Func].
3. click [System Settings].
4. click [Network Settings].
5. click [TCP/IP Settings].
6. click [IP Address Settings].
(When you have obtained the IP address, click [Cancel] to end the operation.)
2) Take note of the IP address. You will be using it later when making network settings on the PC.
- Checking the Settings of the iR C6800
Ad Func>Report Settings>Network>User's Data List>Yes
see that a user data list (network) has been printed.
The IP address may also be checked on the printed user data list
- If no IP address has been set, set it, and click [OK] on the control panel.
- There after, turn off the power, turn off the main power, and turn on the main power.
3) Check the LPD settings of the printer: