User manual

Layout Sheet (W indows)
The following settings are available on the Layout sheet. For details on settings items, refer to the printer
driver help.
Setting Item Description
A Page Layout
Activate this setting to select a particular page layout.
Printing Multiple Pages Per Sheet (→P .420)
Printing Posters in Sections (→P .421)
Printing Multiple Originals Next to Each Other (→P .417)
Using PosterArtist to Compose Originals (→P .489)
C Set
Click to display one of the following dialog boxes depending on the selection in
A Page Layout . In these dialog boxes, you can specify layout details and
which pages to print, as well as other settings.
Page Layout Printing
Pages to Print
Free Layout Settings
D W atermark Activating this option makes two settings available, E W atermarks and F
Edit W atermark .
Printing With W atermarks (→P .485)
E W atermarks Lists the provided watermarks. Choose the watermark to print.
F Edit W atermark Click to display the Edit W atermark dialog box for creating your own, original
G Print Centered
Activate this setting to print document images in the center of the paper .
Printing Originals Centered on Rolls (→P .443)
Printing Originals Centered on Sheets (→P .444)
H Rotate 180 degrees Activate this option to rotate document images by 180 degrees before printing.
I No Spaces at T op or
Bottom (Conserve Paper)
Activate this setting to print the next image skipping blank areas above and
below printable data in documents, which enables you to conserve the paper .
Conserving Roll Paper by Printing Originals Without T op and Bottom Margins
(→P .461)
J Copies Enter the number of copies to print, in a range of “1-999.”
522 Software