
About Speed Dialing
Speed dialing allows you to streamline and customize dialing procedures by
registering a telephone number and other important settings so you can start a
document transmission by pressing only a few keys.
Speed Dialing Methods
There are three speed dialing methods:
One-Touch Speed Dialing
One-touch speed dialing allows you to start a document transmission by pressing
only one key. You can register up to 12 numbers for one-touch speed dialing.
Coded Speed Dialing
Coded speed dialing allows you to start a document transmission by pressing
[Coded Dial], followed by a two-digit code of your choice. While coded speed
dialing requires you to press more keys, it allows you to register up to 100
Group Dialing
Group dialing allows you to dial a group of registered one-touch and/or coded
speed dialing fax numbers. By registering each group under a one-touch speed
dialing key or a speed dialing code, you press only one or a few keys to send the
same document to several locations.
The following pages describe how to register numbers for speed dialing. For
instructions on dialing using the speed dialing methods, see Chapter 3, “Sending
2-2 About Speed Dialing
Speed Dialing
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