User Manual

Version 1.04
43 Global Scanning UK Ltd © 2018
Home Page
This application is designed to be operated via a touch screen. It is part of an MFP system which
includes a T25/T36 large format scanner and a Canon printer.
The functions supported are:
Copy, Scan, Print, Edit, Copy & Archive.
It uses a scan once, preview edit workflow. This means the image is scanned once, edited on the
large screen, then printed (Copy) or saved (Scan) only when you are happy with the image. This
saves time as well as paper and ink. It protects delicate documents from being scanned multiple
times while trying different settings.
The Home page shows the main functions displayed on a revolving carousel. The function at the
front is the active function (The active function in the picture above is Copy). Touch or swipe on any
function icon to rotate the carousel.
Under the selected function, the most common options for that function are displayed:
E.g. For Copy = Preset, Quality, Copies, Scale.