User Manual

Version 1.0 20 Global Scanning UK Ltd © 2016
Select the Document icon to browse to the Documents folder on the CD. Please read and / or
print the documents. This folder contains the L Icon Guide, the L Scanner Guide and software
release notes. Select the Exit icon to close the installation program.
Browse to Documents folder.
Exit installer
The L Scan App will run as a Windows® Tray App and will start automatically every time the PC is
started. The L Scan App interface window can be displayed by selecting the Show Hidden Icons in
the bottom right hand corner of the PC screen.
You can right click the icon to Open the L Scan App window.
Selecting Exit will stop the L Scan App and prevent it from receiving Scan to PC scan files.
Start the L Scan App. Select Save Directory and browse to select your preferred Scan to PC
destination folder. (This is normally a folder that is shared with other users on the network).
Select your preferred file type: TIFF, PDF or JPEG. Close the Window.