User Manual

Table Of Contents
Work with variable data in document printing mode
Variable data printing is used for direct marketing, advertising, and personalised letters.
PRISMAprepare and document authoring tools allow to build personalised documents. Variable
data, for example names and addresses, are merged with fixed elements and saved as multi-
record documents. (See
Prepare print jobs with PRISMAprepare
on page 84)
1 Jeff GB 12345 London IMG 12
2 Olaf NO 34567 Oslo IMG 34
3 Mieke NL 56789 Amsterdam IMG 56
4 Gina IT 45678 Rome IMG 78
5 Ulli DE 23456 Berlin IMG 90
NO 34567
IT 45678
[44] Creation of personalised documents
PRISMAsync supports several PPML formats and the PDF/VT format for variable data printing.
Print system specifications
on page 291)
When PRISMAsync receives a variable data print job, it distinguishes the record structure.
Records are treated as print sets.
Large jobs can be converted into VDP jobs. (See
Convert a job to a variable data job
on page 128)
Submit variable data jobs to PRISMAsync with an automated workflow or PRISMAprepare. (See
Set up automated workflows
on page 69)
[45] Properties of a variable data job
The icon indicates a variable data job in the job list. (See
Print variable data jobs
on page 142)
Work with variable data in document printing mode
Chapter 7 - Prepare the jobs
imagePRESS C10000VP