User's Manual

Registering Destinations in the Address Book
Registering and Editing a Coded Dial Code
Using the Remote UI
1 Start the Web browser.
2 Enter “http://<the IP address of the machine>/”
in the address field and press the [ENTER] key on
your keyboard.
Input Example: “”
3 Log on to the Remote UI.
(1) Select [Management Mode].
(2) Enter [System Manager ID] and [System Manager PIN].
(3) Click [Log In].
4 Click [Address Book].
5 Click [Coded Dial].
To register a coded dial newly
Proceed to Step 6.
To edit the registered coded dial
(1) Click [No.], [Type] or [Name].
(2) Click [Edit].
(3) Specify the required settings in the edit screen and click [OK].
To delete the registered coded dial
(1) Click [Delete] of the destination which you want to delete.
6 Click the unregistered [No.], [Type] or [Name].
7 Select [destination type to register] and click [OK].
8 Specify the required settings and click [OK].