User manual

Checking the Results of the Installation
If the printer driver has been installed correctly, an icon for the installed printer will be displayed in the printer
folder ( Displaying the Printer Folder(P. 75) ).
If the le for displaying the portal site of the User's Guide has been installed correctly, a shortcut icon for that le
will be displayed on the desktop.
If the icon is not displayed
Uninstall the printer driver ( Uninstalling Printer Drivers(P. 57) ) and repeat the setup from the beginning.
If the shortcut icon for the User's Guide is not displayed (that is, the icon for the installed printer alone is
displayed), perform the procedure for installing the le for displaying the portal site of the User's Guide alone.
Insert the User Software CD-ROM/DVD-ROM into the drive on the computer.
If the [Software Programs/Manuals Setup] screen does not appear Displaying the [Software
Programs/Manuals Setup] Screen(P. 76)
If [AutoPlay] is displayed, click [Run MInst.exe].
Click [Custom Installation]/[Installation].
Select the [Manuals] check box and click [Install].