
©2009 Michel Tcherevkoff. All Rights Reserved.
he EOS-1Ds
Mark III is great!
The ability to capture
fine image detail is of
paramount importance
in my
work, and
this cam-
era truly
What also impressed
me is the precise ren-
dering of tonal nuance
over a wide range of
light values, which is
equally important in my
images. This camera’s
features — like the 3.0-
inch LCD, Live View
Function and improved
wireless capabilities —
are exactly what I’ve
wanted for tabletop
work. A superior
tool…a joy to use.”
Explorer of Light
Large 3.0-inch
LCD Monitor with
Live View Function
The 3.0-inch LCD
monitor on the EOS-1Ds
Mark III provides
the photographer
with a large, bright,
detailed view of
images and graphical data. The bigger image area makes
it easier than ever to confirm capture, check memory
card contents, confirm shooting parameters and access
all menu options.
Moreover, the EOS-1Ds Mark III features a sophisti-
cated Live View Function, which makes the 3.0-inch LCD
monitor a real-time finder. When the Live View Function
is enabled, the reflex mirror is locked up and the shutter
opened. The image output from the CMOS sensor will be
displayed in real time on the LCD monitor at 100%
coverage. A selectable portion of the image can be
magnified by 5x or 10x to aid in precise manual focusing.
Manual focus, exposure check, composing and shooting
can all be accomplished in this mode.
Live View Function is convenient for tripod-mounted
shooting, macro work and other situations in which it
would be a physical strain to keep the eye at the
viewfinder. The Live View Function image can also be
displayed on a TV monitor, which is ideal for showing
images, as they are being composed, to clients and
portrait subjects.
Highlight Tone Priority
Activated via a Custom Function, the Highlight Tone Priority
mode employs sophisticated processing algorithms to
preserve greater detail in image highlight areas — a
perennial problem for digital photographers, especially
those who work in bright sunlight or contrasty studio
lighting. Highlight Tone Priority actually expands the
available range of capture in the highlights, yet it exacts
no penalties in either shadow detail or camera performance.
It benefits photographers who shoot RAW images as well
as those who rely on in-camera processing.
Stunning Image Quality
The EOS-1Ds Mark III features a Canon
full-frame 21.1 Megapixel CMOS sensor.
Compared to typical smaller digital camera sensors, the
Canon full-frame sensor can accommodate a tremendous
pixel count while maintaining larger individual pixel site
size. Larger sites improve light gathering capability,
enabling the sensor to produce a cleaner, more noise-
free image. The Canon full-frame sensor thus delivers
ultra-high-resolution images of exacting precision with
glorious color richness and tonal accuracy.
The Wireless File Transmitter
WFT-E2A integrates elegantly
with the EOS-1Ds Mark III, is
powered by the camera body
and is as durable and
weather-resistant as the
camera itself.
Dependable, Repeatable
High Image Quality
With 10x magnification
Highlight Tone Priority: ON Highlight Tone Priority: OFF