EOS Camera Instructions

Fully Automatic Shooting
Turn the Mode Dial to <Y>,
<U>, <I>, <O>, <P>, or
The picture-taking procedure is
the same as with the “<Y> Full
Auto mode” on page 28.
The settings automatically set by
the Basic Zone modes are
shown in the “Feature Availability
Tab le” on page 91.
This chapter describes how to use the camera’s Basic Zone
modes <Y> <U> <I> <O> <P> <A> for quick and easy
shooting. In these modes, all you do is point and shoot. Also,
these modes override the camera’s <l> <u> and AF Mode
dials, film advance mode lever (except <p>), and buttons
(except <
> <6> and the shutter button). This is to
prevent spoiled shots caused by accidental operation of
camera controls.