Digital Camera User Manual

10-sec. or 2-sec. delay .................113
4- or 9-image index display...........249
61-point automatic
selection AF ..............................73, 77
640x480........................................ 231
A ..........................................64, 218
AC Adapter Kit ..............................342
Access lamp ...................................33
Adobe RGB...................................158
AE lock.......................................... 171
AEB.......................................170, 315
AF area selection mode .......72, 75
AF Microadjustment .................104
AF mode.....................................70
AF point ................................ 72, 75
AF point selection...............74, 326
AF status indicator...................... 64
AF-assist beam ..........................97
Difficult-to-focus subjects..110, 211
Manual focusing ............... 111, 214
Out of focus ..........42, 43, 110, 211
Recompose ................................67
AF area selection mode............72, 75
AF Configuration Tool .....................85
AF-ON (AF start) button.................. 44
AF point expansion ...................72, 75
AI FOCUS (AI Focus AF)................71
AI SERVO (AI Servo AF) ................71
Accel./decel. tracking .................91
AF pt auto switching ................... 92
Tracking sensitivity ..................... 90
AI Servo AF ..............................67, 71
ALL-I (I-only) ................................ 231
Ambient light sensor....................... 20
Aperture-priority AE.............. 164, 220
Area AF frame.................... 23, 72, 77
Aspect ratio .................................. 204
Audio/video OUT .................. 259, 268
Auto Lighting Optimizer.......... 63, 142
Auto playback............................... 265
Auto power off .......................... 34, 55
Auto reset..................................... 155
Auto rotate of vertical images....... 280
Auto switch card........................... 117
Autofocus 9 AF
Automatic selection (AF) .......... 73, 77
Automatic selection of AF point
..... 73, 77
Av (Aperture-priority AE) ...... 164, 220
A/V OUT............................... 259, 271
B (Bulb) ................................ 172, 218
B/W ...................................... 131, 134
Battery................................ 28, 30, 35
Battery Grip ............................ 35, 356
Beeper.......................................... 348
Black-and-white image......... 131, 134
Bracketing ............................ 141, 170
Bulb exposures ............................ 172
w (Custom shooting) .................. 332
Cable........................ 3, 268, 271, 356
Camera shake ......................... 184
Clear camera settings ................ 56
Holding the camera.................... 43
Settings display........................ 336