Instruction manual

Handling Error Messages
What to check on the FTP server
The connection was terminated by the FTP server.
X Restart the FTP server.
Do the user rights for the FTP server allow reading, writing, and
log access?
X Configure the FTP server’s user rights to allow reading, writing, and
log access.
Do user rights allow access to the target folder on the FTP
X Configure the user rights for access to the target folder on the FTP
server to allow saving images from the camera.
Is the FTP server on?
X Turn the FTP server on. The server may have been turned off because
of an energy-saving mode.
Is the hard disk of the FTP server full?
X Increase available space on the hard disk.
This error occurs if, for some reason, the camera fails to receive
confirmation from the FTP server that image file transfer is
X Turn the FTP server and camera off and on and transfer the images
46: For the data session, error code received from FTP
47: Image file transfer completion not confirmed by FTP