Instruction manual

Handling Error Messages
Is the FTP server on?
X Turn the FTP server on. The server may have been turned off because
of an energy-saving mode.
On the camera, does the FTP server’s IP address setting (in
[Address]) match the server’s actual address?
X Configure the IP address on the camera to match the actual FTP
server address (p.22).
Is a firewall or other security software enabled?
X Some security software uses a firewall to restrict access to the FTP
server. Change the firewall settings to allow access to the FTP server.
X You may be able to access the FTP server by setting [Passive mode]
to [Enable] on the camera (p.75).
Are you connecting to the FTP server via a broadband router?
X Some broadband routers use a firewall to restrict access to the FTP
server. Change the firewall settings to allow access to the FTP server.
X You may be able to access the FTP server by setting [Passive mode]
to [Enable] on the camera (p.75).