EOS DIGITAL Software Instruction Manual

Working with Images in
the EOS Viewer Utility
This chapter explains how to use the EOS Viewer Utility to download images
to your computer, edit and save images, and transfer the downloaded
images to the retouching software.
For more information on the restrictions of the EOS Viewer Utility, refer also to the
source listed below.
ReadMe: Double-click the [Canon Utilities] folder X the [EOS Viewer Utility] folder
X [ReadMe].
Starting the EOS Viewer Utility.... M-12
Downloading Images.................... M-16
Handling the Folders .................... M-18
Memory Card Folder Structure and File
Names ........................................ M-18
Registering Frequent Use Folder ...M-19
Selecting the Image Display Mode..M-20
Main Window (Thumbnail Display)...M-20
Preview Window Display............. M-20
Selecting the Display Size .......... M-22
Checking the AF Point ................ M-22
Selecting Images .......................... M-23
Selecting Images in the Main Window.M-23
Selecting Images in the Preview
Window ....................................... M-23
Attaching Check Marks to Images...M-24
Selecting Images by Condition ... M-24
Bringing/Sending the Main Window to
the Front/Back of Window Stack. M-25
Equalizing the Display Sizes of the
Preview Window ......................... M-25
Editing Images .............................. M-26
Protecting Images....................... M-26
Rotating Images.......................... M-26
Deleting Images.......................... M-27
Checking the Image Information and
Entering Comments .................... M-27
Playing Back Sound ..................... M-28
Printing Images............................. M-28
Editing RAW Images .................... M-29
Processing RAW Images............ M-29
Specifying the Processing Parameters..M-30
Adjusting the Brightness (Digital
Exposure Compensation) ........... M-31
Adjusting the White Balance....... M-32
Saving the White Balance........... M-36
Adjusting the Color and Brightness
(Adjust Tone Curve).................... M-37
Selecting the Contrast ................ M-41
Selecting the Color Matrix........... M-41
Adjusting the Color ..................... M-43
Selecting the Sharpness............. M-44
Saving Images .............................. M-45
Transferring Images to Retouching
Software ........................................ M-48
Specifying the Preferences ......... M-50
Setting the IPTC Information ....... M-51
Merging Images with the PhotoStitch ... M-54