EOS DIGITAL Software Instruction Manual (EOS Viewer Utility 1.2.1 Updater)

Specifying the Camera Settings
You can specify save destination files and file names.
Save settings dialog box
Select the [File] menu X [Save destination settings].
¿ The [Save settings] dialog box appears.
Specify desired settings and click the [OK] button.
Specifying the Save Destination
Allows you to change the destination folder to which images
will be saved. The name of the destination folder is displayed
next to the [Browse] button.
Cancels all the settings, and restores the settings to their original ones.
Clicking the checkbox also saves images
on the memory card in the camera.
Use this field to enter a file name when saving
an image. The file name can consist of up to
18 characters.
Enter a sequential number with a range of 0000
to 9999 that is added to the end of the file name.
Click the checkbox to enable use of the rotation function (W-89).
Applies the settings and closes the [Save settings] dialog box.