
This allows you to move quickly through still images recorded anywhere oi1 a
tape (photo search) or between different days or areas of recording (date search)
on a tape.
1. Press the SEARCH SELECT button to choose between photo/date
PHOTO SEARCH or DATE SEARCH is shown in the display for 4
2. Press the _ and _-_l buttons to move backwards or forwards :0 c
through the still images or between different days of recording. :_ -,_'
Press once to move to the start of the previous!next still image or day on the t_
tape. _ _"
You can press more than once to move to the corresponding still image or m =m
day (up to a maximum of 10 times), e.g. press the _ button 5 times to _ _--
move lorward 5 still images or days.
PHOTO SEARCH/DATE SEARCH appears in the middle of the display cn
alongside the _-,t or _ mark and number to search through. You can
change direction easily by pressing the button for the opposite direction.
[] NOteS:
Press (stop) to stop mid-search.
If you begin a search very close to the start of a recorded still image during
photo search, the camcorder may skip straight past it.
When you have set the area for the World Clock, date search also looks for the
change in date based on the adiusted time.
A dateJarea cannot be identified if tile total recording time on that day/area was
less than 1 minute.
Date search playback may start just betbre or after the beginning of the located
If the data code is not displayed correctly you will not be able to operate the
date search correctly.