DP-V1710, DP-V1711 Instruction Manual

OSD Menu
Sub Menu Setting Options (Bold: factory default)
Line Color White, Red, Green,
Blue, Yellow, Cyan,
Magenta, Gray
Sets the color of the aspect marker line.
Line Brightness High, Low, Half Sets the brightness of the aspect marker line.
H Position -65 to 65 (0) Changes horizontal position without changing the aspect.
V Position -35 to 35 (0) Changes vertical position without changing the aspect.
Safety Zone Marker 1, 2
There are two types of [Safety Zone Marker]: 1 and 2, which share the same settings. A safety zone
marker is used to set the safe zone of the image (actual displayed area) to check the image.
Enable On, Off Switches the safety zone marker On, Off.
Aspect Ratio
16:9, 15:9, 14:9, 13:9,
4:3, 2.39:1, 2.35:1,
1.896:1, 1.85:1, 1.66:1,
• When Variable is
1.00:1 to 3.00:1
Sets the aspect ratio of the safety zone marker.
[Variable]: The aspect ratio can be entered as a numeric value (0.01:1
increments). The grayed out slider becomes active and can be used
to set the aspect ratio.
Area Size 80%, 88%, 90%, 93%,
Variable (%),
Variable (dot)
Sets the safety zone marker area size.
[Variable (%)]: The grayed out [Rate (%)] becomes active.
[Variable (dot)]: The grayed out [Width (dot)] and [Height (dot)] become
Rate (%) 50 to 100 (80)
When [Area Size] [Variable (%)]
Move the slider to set the displayed marker area size without changing the
aspect ratio in 1 % increments.
Width (dot) 360 to 3840 (3072)
When [Area Size] [Variable (dot)]
Move the slider to set the area width in 2 dot increment.
Height (dot) 240 to 2160 (1728)
When [Area Size] [Variable (dot)]
Move the slider to set the area height in 2 dot increment.