Aspect Ratio Dialog
Click the [Image] menu and select [Aspect Ratio].
Fixing the Aspect Ratio
You can change the scan area that you specify in the preview window in one of
two ways: freely or with a fixed aspect ratio (height to width ratio). There are
three preset and one custom aspect ratio settings: normal (2:3), panorama (1:3), hi
vision TV (9:16) and custom.
Aspect Ratio Dialog
Select a ratio or select custom and input values to fix the aspect ratio.
The default style setting is normal.
The height and width values are reversed when the preview image is
rotated 90°. (p. 39)
Please refer to the topic entitled Selecting the Scan Area for instructions on
how to change the scan area selection. (p. 41)
Click the button to the right and select [Fixed
Aspect Ratio] to fix the aspect ratio or select [Nor-
mal] to set the aspect ratio to variable.
If fixed aspect ratio has been selected in the style box,
click the
button to the right and select [Normal],
[Panorama], [Hi Vision TV] or [Custom].
If custom has been selected in the box above, input
a value from 1 to 20 in the height and width boxes.
(Panorama Type)
(C Type)
Hi Vision TV
(H Type)