Select the monitor option corresponding to
your monitor or select the name of a
monitor that your monitor emulates.
If your monitor type is unknown, choose
the first option, [Canon’s Default Profile for
CanoCraft FS Configuration
This setting allows CanoCraft FS to be configured one device at a time to operate
correctly with each scanner and printer that is connected to the computer.
Select this setting when you wish to switch between more than one scanner
or printer or when you wish to create a special configuration. Otherwise,
the automatic configuration setting is recommended for most cases. (see
prior page)
Double-click the CanoCraft FS Configuration icon.
The current settings will display in the configuration manager.
Click the button to the left of the configuration manager and select a
Monitor Settings
Set the CanoCraft FS display color balance settings to match your monitor.
If this window
does not display,
click the Windows
[Start] button on
the taskbar and
select it from the