CanoScan FB1200S Plug-in Module CS-S 3.6 for Mac Guide

To Adjust a Histogram
Specify the area of the image (the entire area to be scanned) for which a
histogram will be generated. See Scan Area Settings (p. 34).
The histogram will not display correctly if an extremely small area is selected. To select
small areas, first expand the display with the Zoom In button. See Zooming (p. 35).
Click the histogram tab in the Tone adjustment dialog to display the
histogram options.
Click the [Auto] button.
Although you can freely move the shadow mark and highlight mark to another
position, the image can be adjusted easily for optimum effect with the Auto button.
Highlight Mark
All of the data to the
right of this mark is set
to the highlight (255)
value. Drag the mark
to the right or left.
Clicking directly on this bar causes the shadow or highlight
mark, whichever is closest, to advance to that position.
Shadow Mark
All of the data to the
left of this mark is set
to the shadow (0)
value. Drag the mark
to the right or left.
The histogram settings
can be saved in a file
and reloaded for later
S T E P 4
Black Eyedropper Button
Click the Black Eyedropper
and click the position in the
preview image you want to
set to black (0).
To restore the histogram
settings, click this
[Reset] button.
To restore all settings
to their defaults, click
the [Reset] button.
White Eyedropper Button
Click the White Eyedropper
and click the position in the
preview image you want to
set to white (255).
Displays the current
level at the highlight
mark. Click the up or
down arrows in the
spinbox to increase or
decrease the setting or
enter a number directly
into the entry box
Auto Button
Automatically sets
the highlight and
shadow settings for
optimum effects.
Displays the current
level at the shadow
mark. Click the up or
down arrows in the
spinbox to increase or
decrease the setting or
enter a number directly
into the entry box
The histogram settings can be adjusted for all channels (Master) or for individual
channels (R, G, B). The selectors are displayed to the left of the histogram graph
(Master, R, G, B). The Master selection is unavailable if Grayscale has been
selected as the scan mode.