EOS Manual

You can select the AF (autofocus) mode to suit the shooting conditions
or subject. In Basic Zone modes, the most suitable AF mode is set
On the lens, set the focus mode
switch to <AF>.
Press the <ZE> button.
X [AF mode] will appear.
Select the AF mode.
Press the <U> key or turn the
<6> dial to select the desired AF
mode, then press <0>.
Focus the subject.
Aim the AF point over the subject and
press the shutter button halfway. The
camera will then autofocus in the
selected AF mode.
Suited for still subjects. When you press the shutter button
halfway, the camera will focus only once.
When focus is achieved, the dot inside the AF point achieving focus
lights briefly in red, and the focus confirmation light <o> in the
viewfinder will also light.
With evaluative metering (p.102), the exposure setting will be set at
the same time focus is achieved.
While you hold down the shutter button halfway, the focus will be
locked. You can then recompose the shot if desired.
E: Changing the Autofocus ModeN
One-Shot AF for Still Subjects