User's Manual

Table Of Contents
If a destination is selected fr
om any of <One-Touch 1> to <One-Touch 4> in the Home screen, settings for
sending e-mail or saving les can be made while the selected destination remains specied.
Entering Destinations Directly (E-Mail Sending)
For a destination that is not r
egistered in the Address Book, specify it by entering an e-mail address.
Select <Destination>
<Specify Using Numeric Keys>.
Enter the e-mail address, and select <Apply>.
On ho
w to enter text, see
Entering Text(P. 124) .
Specifying destinations from the transmission records
ou can also recall previously used destinations.
Recalling Previously Used Settings for Sending/
Saving (Recall Settings)(P
. 258)
Saving the data to a shared folder
Only one destination can be specied.
When sending an e-mail, specify multiple destinations, including Cc/Bcc destinations,
as necessary
Select <Destination>, and select the method for specifying destinations.
<Cc> and <Bcc> addr
esses can only be selected using <Specify from Address Book>, <Specify from Coded
Dial> or <Specify from One-Touch>.
To delete destinations
If you specied multiple destinations, you can delete destinations as necessary
Select <Destination> <Conrm/Edit>.
Select a destination you want to delete.
If you specied Gr
oup Dial, "XX destination(s)" is displayed. Selecting <Number of Destinations>
displays destinations registered in the group.
Select <Remove>
Specify the scanning settings as necessary.