
Queryl Select Query
Source Avc-T
Nleteci Daike D Mebao Daily Data
401.15 D rylebao
9 :132901
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Step E7: Select “Datasheet View” under “View” of the MS Access main menu to see if the query is selecting prop-
erly the desired data records; if it is not, change/amend the query criteria accordingly.
Once it has been verified that the query is selecting the desired data from the appropriate main database table in
correct manner, proceed and copy the selected data records into a new table as follows:
Step E8: Go to the Query Design view and select “Make-Table Query”“ from Query” of the MS Access main menu.
Type any preferred name for new table in the blank space behind “Table Name” (say “Meteo Daily for Transfer”).
Select the option Another Database” and type below the path and name of your new blank database file; type here
the Windows/DOS convention path which was written down under Step E2, i.e. C:\MyDbase\Transfer.mdb
Finally click on “OK”
Step E9: While still in the Query Design View, select “Run” from the “Query” main menu bar and click “Yes” to
confirm that you want to copy the specified number of records into the table located in the new database file (in our
example: table “Meteo Daily for Transfer” located in the new database file “Transfer.mdb” in folder “MyDbase”).
The extracted data are now located in “Transfer” file on hard disk and is ready for dissemination; to complete the
procedure, proceed with the next final two steps.
Step E10: In case the user opts to use a diskette for disseminating/transferring data, he/she should proceed and
copy the file “Transfer.mdb” from hard disk to the diskette using Windows Explorer utility for the purpose.
The diskette with the extracted data records is now ready for dissemination to other users.
Step E11: In case the extracted data are planned to be disseminated by e-mail, it is recommended to make the
“Transfer” file as small as possible. For this purpose the user is directed to compress the file by using either the
PKZIP or WINZIP utility before the file is e-mailed to other users as a file attachment.
Step E11 completes description of procedures for creating an Access “Transfer” database file and storage of the
Exchange of NBD Data with other users