User Manual

176 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)
Privileged Status 57
Security Question 57
Smart Home Server Workgroup 112
Time Filter 57
User Password 56
Wireless Channel 139
Channel (Wireless) 138, 140
Clean Up Old Backups 90–94
Clean Up Unneeded folders 92
Command Center
Launch Options 13
Main Menu 14
Tray Icon 8
Common Folders 72
Connect a PC to a Shared Printer 120
Connect External Storage Device 142
Connect the PC to Another Wireless Network 40
Connectivity Manager 149
Content Filter 57, 62–63
Content Filter Settings Page 65
Shared Folder 113
Shared Printer 117
User Accounts 52–54
User Defined Port Forwarding Rule 48, 125–126
Dashboard 19–21
Defragment the Hard Drive 146
Port Forwarding Rule 126
User Account 58
Desktop Folder 73
Device Information Page 29
Device Management Page 32–34, 44
Device Security Page 132
Device Settings Page 33
DHCP 164–166
Disconnect a Printer from a PC 120
Dynamic IP Address 164