User's Manual

**Note – whenever out of main screen – all lasers are off and laser outputs
(including from manual operation) are disabled**
This menu allows the user to Select and set the delay type and time for par
Delay indicates what happens when the user presses the I/A (Initiate / Audio)
button on the device in par mode. The par will either start immediately (No
Delay) or the start of the par stimulus will be delayed by either a fixed time
period or a random time period within user defined parameters.
Default is None.
Same concept as before on the arrow – this is a place holder for an intuitive
method of showing which item is selected.
Same concept as before on the time adjustment method and use of arrow
keys on the device.
Main Display > Settings > Set Par > Set Delay
Set Delay Time
Set Delay
<< Par Set Menu
Random Start
Lower Limit
Upper Limit