User's Manual Part 1

section 06
40040005 rev. 000
Step 2. Position the patient as described in Section 06-III of this manual.
Step 3. Click Start Test to begin testing.
Step 4. Once each side is completed, a pain scale will appear. Ask the patient to rate
his/her pain on a ten-point scale (0 is equivalent to no pain and 10 is equivalent to the
worst pain possible). Click on the number the patient stated and then click OK.
The ROM Lateral Flexion test calls for three trials to be performed per side.
As the protocol is performed, the screen will display the results and averages via a line
graph, table, pie chart, and bar graph. These figures are especially helpful in comparing
the abilities of each side.
In addition to the test results, the screen will tabulate: the average ROM, peak ROM, co-
efficient of variation (COV), the percent of normal, and the percent difference between
the left and right side. The pain ratings determined by the patient will also appear in
the pain scale text fields (Figure 6-30).
Figure 6-29. Cervical ROM - Lateral Flexion Test