
3. Fill in the dialog box, selecting the options you want:
Left Indent of Fu'st Line. Select the distance of the first line from
the left margin of the page.
Hanging Left Indent. Select the distance of the text from the left
margin of the page.
Right Indent. Select the distance of the text from the right margin.
4. Click on Apply.
5. Click on Close.
Setting tabs
Use tabs to create aligned columns, such as a table of contents or columns of
numbers. Add your own tabs by clicking on the ruler.
You can set your own tabs, such as right aligned tabs, decimal tabs, custom
positions,- and tab/eader$ (dots or lines between tabbed items).
B -----
),-To create tabs on€he*ruleR _
1. Select the paragraphs for which you want to create tabs, or if you want to
add a tab to a single paragraph, move the insertion point into the
2. Click on the ruler. The tab marker appears wbere you clicked. The
automatic tabs disappear to the lej_ of the new tab
3. If the tab is not exactly where you want it on the ruler, drag it to a new
4. Continue clicking and dragging until you have placed all the tabs.
)_ To create a new tab with the Tab dialog box:
1. Select one or more paragraphs to change.
2. Select Tabs from the Paragraph menu. The Tabs dialog box appears.
3. Fill in the dialog box:
Tabs List. Select Create New Tab in the Tabs list.
Distance from Left Margin. Select the distance of the tab from the
left margin.
Word Processing 22