Operation Manual

• Plug the power cable into the socket. Depending on your
appliance control panel, the green (voltage) and red (alarm) indica-
tor lights illuminate.
• Set the thermostat to the middle position and leave the appliance
to run for approximately 4 hours; the alarm light should go out.
After start-up, if the temperature inside your freezer should increase
abnormally while conserving your frozen foodstuffs, the alarm light
will illuminate.
When your appliance thermostat is not set to the maximum or when
the “Super Freeze” button (depending on your model) is not pres-
sed, your appliance will operate in conservation mode. You must
only introduce already frozen, pre-packed food.
The conservation time essentially depends on the type of foodstuff.
The refrigeration output is defined by the maximum amount of pro-
ducts that the appliance can freeze in 24 hours from ambient tem-
perature down to -18°C. This amount is shown on the manufactu-
rer’s plate at the rear of the appliance. At least 24 hours before intro-
ducing the foodstuffs to be frozen, press your appliance’s “Super
Freeze” button (orange) or set the thermostat to the maximum (if
your chest freezer does not have a “Super Freeze” button). Then
introduce your fresh foodstuffs and keep the appliance in this mode
for approximately 24 hours.
You can then either perform a new freezing operation or return your
appliance to conservation mode.
Preferably place the foodstuffs to be frozen in contact with the back
and the walls to ensure that they are frozen more quickly. Avoid pla-
cing fresh products in contact with products already frozen.
When you introduce products, the alarm light may come
on for a few moments without this being any inconvenience for the
appliance or the products.
CCoonnsseerrvvaattiioonn ttiimmee iinn mmoonntthhss
Only freeze fresh food that has been cleaned and sealed in appro-
priate packages.
Label each packet writing on it the date frozen, the weight or the
number of items and the type of product.
Do not place bottles or cans of fizzy drinks in your freezer; they
may burst.
Do not refreeze a product that has defrosted; it must be consu-
med without delay.
• Do not open the freezer’s lid too often to avoid raising the tempe-
rature inside the compartment.
• Do not exceed the recommended expiry date for the frozen pro-
ducts, as indicated on the packaging.
• Let the food cool down before introducing it into the appliance.
• When your appliance is in “Conservation” mode, we recommend
that you set the thermostat to maintain a temperature of -18°C
inside the appliance.
• Setting the thermostat to position 3 enables you to reduce the
consumption of electricity when the foodstuffs only occupy half of
your appliance.