Home Gym Owner's Manual

Shoulder Exercises
Rear Deltoid Rows — Shoulder Horizontal Abduction (and elbow flexion)
Standing Lateral Shoulder Raise — Shoulder Extension (elbow stabilized)
Remove the bench and stand on the
platform, straddling the seat rail and
facing the Power Rod® unit.
Grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing
each other.
Align your spine and bend forward
slightly at the hips (15-20°).
Let arms hang in line with cables.
Elevate shoulders slightly toward
back of head, keeping spine aligned.
Slowly raise your arms out to your
sides, at a 90° angle from your body.
Keep your forearms facing outward
throughout the movement.
Slowly return to the Start position
without relaxing muscle tension.
Sit on the bench facing Power Rod®
Grasp the Hand Grips. Keep palms
down and arms straight.
Sit up straight. Bend slightly from
hips until arms are in front of body
at a 90° angle from torso.
Lift your chest and keep your
shoulder blades together.
Keep forearms in line with cables.
Allowing your arms to bend slowly,
move your elbows outwards and
backwards, keeping a 70-90° angle
between your upper arms and torso.
Move until your elbows are slightly
behind your shoulders, then slowly
reverse back to the Start position.
Keep your shoulder blades tightened
throughout motion.
Muscles worked:
Rear and Middle Deltoids; Posterior
Rotator Cuff; Upper Latissimus; Teres Major;
Trapezius; Rhomboids
Bench Position:
Flat Bench Back
Hand Grips
Chest Bar
Success Tips
Maintain a 90° angle between your upper
arms and torso during motion.
Keep knees bent and feet on floor.
To work one arm at a time, place non-
working hand on bench to stabilize.
Keep shoulder blades pinched together
and maintain good spinal alignment.
Muscles worked:
Middle Deltoids; Upper Trapezius
Bench Position:
Hand Grips
Chest Bar
Leg Extension:
Success Tips
Do not swing your arms upward or move
your trunk during the motion.
Keep your feet on floor.
Shoulder Exercises