User Manual Part 4

or CRT On (VDD). The study began as a crossover design (called "Phase I")
and enrolled 248 patients with a primary endpoint of functional status with
three months of follow-up. The study was later modied to a parallel design
(called "Phase II") and enrolled 333 patients with a longer, six-month follow-up.
Thedatafromtherst three months of the crossover phase were pooled
with data obtained from the six-month parallel phase. The visit schedule
and testing requirements remained the same. Additionally, while the study
originally used the VENTAK CHF ICD in conjunction with epicardial leads
placed via thoracotomy, the CONTAK CD CRT-D and EASY TRAK lead (placed
transvenously) were added to the protocol later in the study.
Patients enrolled in the study were required to meet the following inclusion
Meet the general indication for ICD implant
Symptomatic heart failure despite optimal drug therapy (ACE inhibitors with
diuretic and/or digoxin, as determ ined to be indicated a nd tolerated by
the patient’s physician-investigator)
Left ventricula r ejection fraction 35%
QRS duration 120 ms
•Age 18 years
Normal sinus node function
Patients were excluded from the investigation if they met any of the following
Meet the general indications for permanent antibradycardia pacing,
including pacemaker dependence
Have chronic, medically refractory atrial tachyarrhythmias
Require concomitant cardiac surgery
Are unable to undergo device implant, including general anesthesia if
Are unable to comply with the protocol and follow-up requirements,
including exercise testing
Have a life expectancy of less than six m onths due to other medical
Have amyloid disease (amyloidosis)
Have hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy