User Manual Part 2

It is recommended that device functions be evaluated during follow-up testing.
WARNING: Ensure that an external debrilla to r and medical pe r sonnel sk illed
in CPR are present during post-implant device testing should the patient
require external rescue.
Predischarge Follow Up
During the pre-discharge follow-up test, the following procedures should be
performed via te lem e try using the PRM:
1. Interrogate the pulse generator and review the Summary screen.
2. Perform pacing thresholds and lead impedance tests, and intrinsic
amplitude measurements.
3. Review Histograms.
4. When all testing is complete, perform a nal interrogation and save all the
data to a patie nt data disk.
5. Print the Quick Notes and Patient Data reports to retain in your le s for
future reference.
6. It is important to clear the therapy counters so that at the next follow-up
session the most recent episode data will be displayed. Note that the
histogram counters can be cleared from either the Brady or Tachy Counters
screen as well.
Routine Follow Up
You should conduct routine follow-up examinations one month after the
pre-discharge study and every three months thereafter. During the routine
follow-up test, the following procedures should be performed via telemetry
using the programming system:
1. Interrogate the device and review the Summary screen.
2. Perform pacing thresholds and lead impedance tests, and intrinsic
amplitude measurements.