Technical data

Common Area Settings
Option Address Default Value Range
Common Area Type 0370 0 0 = none
1 = Follow Partition 2
2 = Follow Partition 2-3
3 = Follow Partition 2-4
4 = Follow Partition 2-5
5 = Follow Partition 2-6
6 = Follow Partition 2-7
7 = Follow Partition 2-8
8 = Follow Partition 2-9
9 = Follow Partition 2-10
10 = Follow Partition 2-11
11 = Follow Partition 2-12
12 = Follow Partition 2-13
13 = Follow Partition 2-14
14 = Follow Partition 2-15
15 = Follow Partition 2-16
In case of common Area, the Area 1 will be the common Area. When there is only 1 Area in the
system, the address 0370 can only be programmed as 1.
34 en | Configuration
AMAX panel 4000 / AMAX panel 4000
2013.07 | 03 | F.01U.267.113 Quick Start Guide Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH