Technical data

Force Arm / Zone Bypass 0362 3
VDS-A EN=0/2
Silent Alarm / Chime Mode 0363 0
VDS-A EN=0/2
Zone Pulse Count 0364 0
Zone Lockout 0365 3
Zone Tamper (DEOL) 0366 1
Zone Status Report 0367 6
VDS-A EN=1/5/6/7
Unverified Alarm Report / Cross Zone 0368 0
Domestic No. 0369 0
For the value range of each zone function option, See Zone Functions, page 26
Zone Function Option
Zone Function Option
Zone Type 00 Zone Not Used
01 Instant
02 Interior Instant
03 Delay
04 Interior Delay
05 Follower
06 Interior Follower
07 24-Hour
08 Key-Switch Toggle
09 Key Switch on/off
10 24 Hour Panic
11 24 Hour Fire
12 24 Hour Fire With Verification
13 Tamper
14 Bolt Contact
15 External Fault
16 Delay Exit
17 Interior Delay Exit
18 Technical Alarm
19 Reset
20 Instant Report
21 Reserved
AMAX panel 4000 / AMAX panel 4000
Configuration | en 31
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Quick Start Guide 2013.07 | 03 | F.01U.267.113