Submittal Sheet
Bosch Thermotechnology Corp. reserves the right to make changes without notice due
to continuing engineering and technological advances |
BTC 742008301 E | 10.2014
Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.
Londonderry, NH • Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Tel: 1-866-642-3198 Fax: 1-603-965-7581
Tankless Water Heater
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Engineering Specifi cations
The system shall consist of ___Model Greentherm C 1050
ES NG/LP tankless water heaters as manufactured by Bosch
Thermotechnology. Water Heater shall be CSA/ANSI Z21.10.3
listed. Water Heater shall have an input of 199,000 BTU/Hr with
a gross output of 184,500 BTU/Hr when fi red with natural gas.
Water Heater shall operate with a 96% ANSI Z21.10.3 effi ciency.
Water Heater shall have a recovery of 285 gallons per hour
at a 77°F temperature rise. Water Heater shall have Low NOx
emissions and is 2012 SCAQMD NOx certifi ed to rule 1146.2.
Water Heater shall be gas fi red, condensing tankless design
with a modulating power burner and negative pressure gas
valve. Burner shall be capable of 10:1 turndown of fi ring,
without loss of combustion effi ciency. Primary heat exchanger/
combustion chamber shall incorporate a multi pass copper tube
and fi n design with internal turbulators. Secondary condensing
heat exchanger shall incorporate a multi-pass aluminum heat
exchanger of fi n tube design with copper water path to prevent
galvanic corrosion. Heat exchangers shall be rated for
maximum working pressure not less than 150 psig.
The Water Heater shall be equipped with a computer
controlled active bypass valve that signifi cantly improves water
temperature stability. On the cold water inlet connection the
Water Heater shall be equipped with an externally accessible
in-line water fi lter.
The Water Heater control panel shall be a single printed
circuit board in water-resistant plastic enclosure. The entire
Water Heater control panel shall be Underwriters Laboratories
The control panel shall contain: embedded control board
incorporating LCD display to read temperature, and tactile
buttons for output power, temperature, and programming
control; CPU board houses all control functions; power
transformer; ignition spark module; and unique connections
Overview and Certifi cations
Plumbing Board