Bogart Engineering SC-2030 Installation & User Guide

Programming the TM-2030 when using the SC-2030
Programming Instructions for the TM-2030:
The SC-2030 will operate as a standalone charger with minimal function unless connected to the TM-2030. Visit our website for more information
The following settings apply only when using the SC-2030 Solar Charge controller with the TriMetric monitor. P8-P22 are accessible only when Program P7
is set to L3 or L4.
Default values shown below are automatically installed when switching from L4 or L3 into L2 or L1.
P8: Maximum voltage limit: Limits the maximum charging voltage. Default 65. Note: P8 overrides P15. Set at or above the P15 value.
P14: Maximum finish-charge time in hours until float (0.0-5.0 Hr.)
P15: Maximum finish charge voltage (10.0-65.0 V)
P16: Float voltage setting (10.0-65.0 V)
P20: Percentage overcharge compared to last discharge until float (1-20%)
P21: Finish charge current: Enter 0-10% of battery capacity P3
Quickly enter correct settings for SC-2030 charger: Visit for more information.
 P22: Battery charging profiles (18 different profiles to choose from): Choose profile based on battery manufacturer recommendations. Once profile is select-
ed, press Select once and then hold Reset for at least 5 seconds to ensure profile has been entered.
 SC-2030 Charging Parameters Calculator: visit then enter your battery system infor-
SC-2030 Solar Charger LED light indicators
Yellow LED: Marked “over-current” when lighted indicates that at least 0.4 amp solar current is avail-
able from solar panels. If the current exceeds 31 amps, this LED will flash while the SC-2030 limits
current to a safe value.
Green LED: Marked “TM-2030 Connected” indicates the charging state of the battery. When the
green LED is on most of the time, this indicates the TM-2030 is connected and solar current is availa-
ble to charge the batteries. When the green LED is off most of the time and blinking, this means the
TM-2030 is not connected, or that no solar current is available. The number of flashes indicates charg-
ing stage.
The following secondary displays will appear if solar current is available to the
panels and if the TM-2030 and SC-2030 are connected and communicating
SOL: Solar amperes: the amount of current being delivered by the solar panels from
the SC-2030.
UPr: Unused solar power in watts: shows if extra power is available from the sun that
could be used when battery charging is tapering down in the afternoon. Displays “YES
when nearly all solar power is available for extra use; if a number is displayed, it shows
watts available.
°C: The battery temperature in degrees Celsius (with temperature sensor present).
Not flashing: ready to bulk charge, but not enough solar input to charge batteries.
One flash: bulk charging.
Two flashes: battery at “absorb” voltage.
Three flashes: battery is in “float” mode.
Four flashes: battery in “finish charge” mode with the SC-2030 limiting the current to
P21 value.
Five flashes: battery in “finish charge” mode with the SC-2030 limiting the voltage to
P15 value.
Six flashes: battery is between 98-100% charged after having been in “float”.