User Manual

Recording tips
Spoken Word (Conferencing, Podcasting, Voiceovers, Chatting)
Set your Snowball iCE on a flat surface approximately 8-12” away from you (you may need to experiment a
little to find the perfect spot depending on the room you’re in). Speak directly towards the front of the mic. If
possible, eliminate all room noises, cell phone ringtones, the annoying chihuahua barking next door, etc. For
podcasting or voiceovers, speak clearly and try and avoid long gaps between words (you might want to write
out a script or practice a few times before recording).
Music (Vocals & Instruments)
For vocals, the closer you place the mic, the bigger your sound. Experiment with positioning for your
ideal sound. Tilt the microphone slightly upward for more projection or straight on for maximum
brightness and intelligibility. Position the mic facing slightly down (towards your chest) for more robust
lows and smoother highs.
For Acoustic Guitar, place the microphone facing the neck where it joins the body for a well-balanced,
sparkling high-end sound. For lower frequencies, move the mic closer to the soundhole. On Electric Guitar,
position the Snowball iCE toward the center of your guitar amp for more highs, or towards the edge of the
cabinet speaker for a fuller sound with more low end.
The Snowball can also be used with drums, percussion, wind instruments or strings. Try a variety of positions
to find your ideal sound. Trust your ears — if it sounds good it is good!
Software Setups
Spoken Word: Skype
• Open Skype.
• Go to Call -> Audio Settings and select Blue Snowball iCE from theMicrophone” pull-down menu.
• Press “Save” and start calling!
Spoken Word/Music: GarageBand
• Go to Preferences->Audio and select the Blue mic as the input device
(it will only show up when the Snowball iCE is plugged in).
• Create a vocal track and select the Blue mic as the input device for that track.
• Adjust the Snowball iCE’s input level in the control panel if you experience any distortion (crackling).