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hank you for purchasing the exciting, super small Blade nano QX. The nano QX is packed full of advanced
features that may seem in contrast to its diminutive size. Despite being 18 grams, the nano QX is laden with the
latest SAFE™ (Sensor Assisted Flight Envelope) technology that offers impressive fl ight performance with an agility mode
for aerobatics and a stability mode with self-leveling. In stability mode you only have to control throttle, the aircraft will
return to a hover on its own. In stability mode the bank angle is also limited, making it easy to fl y the aircraft without
having to worry about over-control. In agility mode the nano is capable of fl ips, rolls and more, and the aircraft does not
limit the bank angle.
The nano QX is easy to manage, exciting to fl y, and durable enough to take the punishment. Built-in prop guards help
prevent prop strikes so you can keep fl ying even if you bump into a wall, direct drive motors keep operation quiet and
maintenance simple, and the frame is lightweight yet rigid, lending the nano QX remarkable durability. Be sure to read
this manual before you fl y to fully understand the features this tiny aircraft contains, this will maximize your fun and
ensure safe operation.